Partial Service to Building Warrant
Retrofit, alteration and extension of an existing 4 bedroom farmhouse on the outskirts of Stewarton in East Ayrshire. Works included the reorganisation of the ground floor to relocate the kitchen to the rear of the house and provide our clients with a dining and entertaining space having a more direct connection to the rear garden whilst taking advantage of the afternoon sun.
The entrance hallway to the house was cramped and dark, therefore the existing stair is replaced with a new timber stair having a more compact footprint. The existing WC adjacent to the stair is removed and a new opening formed in the rear wall of the house providing a direct connection from the entrance all the way through to the new dining room extension at the rear, bringing natural light and views into the hall.
With the existing kitchen relocated and the existing conservatory removed, this allows for creation of two separate home offices off the main entrance hall, plus a new WC, lots of storage and a guest room with en-suite having autonomy from the family bedrooms at first floor.
The partial retrofit of the ground floor includes a sustainable thermal upgrade of the existing structure including new internal wall insulation, replacement windows and a retro-fit underfloor heating system installed in the ground floor areas incorporating a new air source heat pump providing a renewable heating source.