Galloway District Scout Association
Full architectural service
Completed 2021
This project involved the extension & refurbishment of the Scout Hall in Kircudbright. The existing 1960's building was very simple and rudimentary in nature, constructed from a single skin of brickwork lined internally with exposed plywood and a sheet metal roof. The existing facilities in the building were in a poor condition and with only one toilet, the building did not function well as a community facility.
The main aim of the project therefore was to improve the toilet and kitchen facilities, as well as the accessibility of the building. A 30m2 extension was added in a vacant triangular piece of land to the south of the existing building providing new male, female and accessible toilets plus showering facilities.
An existing window on the south elevation was altered to create a direct link to the new lobby of the extension. Internal alterations to the existing hall included removal of an existing toilet to create an enlarged kitchen area with a new serving hatch. A new entrance was formed at an existing fire exit on the East elevation in order to provide a step free access into the building, with a new polycarbonate canopy providing shelter during drop off.
The extension has its own external door on the West elevation to enable the toilet and showering facilities to be used independently during the many festivals held during the summer months in Kirkcudbright.
The efficient square plan of the extension sits snugly within the boundary walls of the site and due to its orientation, all but one of the south facing windows could be retained maximising the natural light into the hall. Apertures in the walls and roof of the extension continue the 'square' theme.
Internally, the brief called for robust and low maintenance materials therefore painted fair-faced blockwork was adopted for the internal walls along with Forbo safety flooring and coved skirtings for easy cleaning. Durable Eterna bulkhead fittings sit recessed within the exposed timber ceiling rafters and exposed metal conduit allows for ease of future adaptions.
We commenced work on this project in 2016, and after 3 years of fundraising by our dedicated client, plus a year on site due to the pandemic, the project was finally completed in November 2020.